The Nutcracker
Fisher Ballet Productions presents our fifth annual production of, "The Nutcracker", directed by
Liane Fisher, at Cheney Hall in Manchester CT at 1PM and 6 PM on 12/16/2017. In addition to our professional guest artists, many local students are performing in the show.
Studios represented are: Fisher Academy of Ballet, West Hartford CT || The Dance Experience, Bristol CT || Studio 3, Newington CT|| Backstage Academy of Dance, Newington CT ||
D.A.N.C.E. by Kristin, Canton CT || Beyond Dance, Vernon CT || Alyce Carella Dance Center, West Hartford CT|| CT Dance Theatre and the Arts, Prospect CT|| The Nutcracker is a
great first time ballet for children and adults alike. (Not recommended for children under 2). It's a magical story about a girl who receives a Nutcracker for Christmas and
her adventure when it comes to life, battles the Mouse King, and journeys with her to the Land of the Sweets.